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The End Time Blog Podcast

The End Time Blog Podcast

By Elizabeth Prata

Exalting the name of Jesus through Christian essays and podcasts.

I was a school teacher, a journalist/editor, now an elementary teacher's aide. After I was saved I began a writing ministry for Christian women on the topics of encouragement, Reformed theology, and discernment. Why The End Time? We're living in the end time. Time is short to share the Gospel- and grows shorter each day. I'm a member in a local, elder-led church, and I await the day I will meet my Jesus face to face. Blessings!
Music attribution: Intro/Outro ep 526+ =Track New York, Track London- Music by https://www.fiftysound
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Discerning Joyce Meyer: reply to commenter

The End Time Blog PodcastNov 20, 2021

Cut to the chase: Four reasons to avoid Lori Alexander of godlywomanhood

Cut to the chase: Four reasons to avoid Lori Alexander of godlywomanhood

Last week I wrote a series on discernment in 6 essays. They are below. I called it “Wolf Week” because false teachers are called wolves in scripture. My own version of Shark Week, lol.

Wolf Week Intro: or, We DO know the heart
Wolf Week # 1: My two “starter false teachers”
Wolf Week # 2: Why Wolves?
Wolf Week # 3: Types of false teachers and their different methods
Wolf Week # 4: Has that false teacher REALLY ‘helped’ you?
Wolf Week # 5: Why does God allow false teachers?

A follow-up series I am publishing contains 4 more essays in short form focusing on 4 influential ‘Bible’ teachers. I cut to the chase and made shorter essays showing why these folks are false.

Today I look at 4 reasons not to follow Lori Alexander, half of the duo behind godlywomanhood/ The Transformed Wife.

If you want to know more about the denial of Original Sin and its originator, Pelagius, and why it's a heresy, listen to this sermon "A Survey of Heresies- Pelagianism" by Phil Johnson

Music attribution

Track New York

Music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠

Track London Music by ⁠⁠

May 30, 202410:21
Cut to the chase: Six reasons why you should avoid Beth Moore
May 30, 202410:14
576: Wolf Week # 5: Why does God allow false teachers?
May 25, 202411:59
575: Wolf Week # 4: Has that false teacher REALLY 'helped' you?
May 25, 202409:33
574: Wolf Week # 3: Types of false teachers and their different methods
May 22, 202413:09
573: Wolf Week #2- Why Wolves?

573: Wolf Week #2- Why Wolves?

Matthew 7:15 says, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

We've all heard this verse probably many times. We can understand it on the surface. It's a simple axiom.

Why did the Spirit choose Wolves as the primary symbol that represents false teachers in His inspired word? Tune in for an exploration of these and other facts about wolves the animal and wolves the false teachers. Links mentioned:

Beware of false teachers
They are called false brothers (2 Corinthians 11:26); false apostles (2 Corinthians 11:13); false teachers (2 Peter 2:1); false speakers, that is, liars (1 Timothy 4:2); and false Christs (Matthew 24:24). The apostle John tells us, therefore, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).

How to watch for wolves: Three signs of a false teacher
When a wolf looks at sheep, what does he see? Food. His motivation for getting close to sheep is not to care for their needs or protect them from danger; it’s to feed on them. But in order to get close to sheep, a wolf employs deceptive tactics to keep the sheep from discerning his dangerous presence before he can achieve his aims.

What does it mean that false prophets are wolves in sheep's clothing?
Jesus alerts us to “watch out for false prophets” in Matthew 7:15. He compares these false prophets to wolves in sheep’s clothing. Jesus also tells us how to identify these false prophets: we will recognize them by their fruit (Matthew 7:20).

Music attribution

Track New York

Music by ⁠⁠

Track London Music by ⁠

May 21, 202412:49
572: Wolf Week # 1: My two "starter false teachers"
May 21, 202406:10
571: Wolf Week Intro: or, We DO know the heart
May 21, 202406:10
570: When a pagan sees the Northern Lights for the first time
May 11, 202418:28
569: John the Baptist ate locusts, ew
May 08, 202413:46
568: Strain a gnat, swallow a camel

568: Strain a gnat, swallow a camel

Looking a bit deeper into Matthew 23:24, the gnat vs. camel saying, we see an interesting connection in the Old Testament. Tune in to find out what it is!

May 08, 202408:42
567: Encouragement: Keeping our conscience tender
May 06, 202409:23
In the presence of God with great joy?
May 06, 202405:13
566: More encouragement- our glorious future
May 05, 202409:07
An encouragement on fixing our eyes on Jesus
May 05, 202403:40
564: What is an 'Indian praying town' and who was John Eliot?
Apr 27, 202415:58
Puritan Wives: Anne Hutchinson- Screeching usurper, or passionate devotee?
Apr 22, 202428:34
562: Puritan Wives: The Tenth Muse, Anne Bradstreet
Apr 22, 202418:26
Puritan Wives: Margaret Tyndal Winthrop and her extraordinary love letters
Apr 20, 202416:49
560- Book Review: The War on Children
Apr 17, 202411:35
559: Lori Alexander, red flags of a false teacher, and the whole counsel of God
Apr 15, 202419:40
558: The Suddenness of Job's Tragedies
Apr 13, 202409:16
557: What does "Dayspring" mean?

557: What does "Dayspring" mean?

What DOES this ancient word mean? It's in some translations of the Bible. I think it's poetic and I enjoy thinking of Jesus in this way...

Apr 13, 202407:21
556: When heaven becomes silent
Apr 13, 202412:17
555: College conferences 'UniteUS': Movement of God or false convert factory?
Apr 06, 202430:19
Little Known Bible Characters #6: King Chedorlaomer
Apr 05, 202410:40
Am I growing? What are some markers of sanctification?
Apr 05, 202412:37
552: Why aren't things beautiful anymore?
Mar 25, 202415:45
551: Jerusalem part 3: Its glorious spiritual future
Mar 23, 202415:22
550: Jerusalem part 2: The Nation

550: Jerusalem part 2: The Nation

Jerusalem! It is the eternal city, (Psalm 46:4Revelation 3:12) God’s city where He has set His name, (1 Kings 11:362 Chronicles 12:13) and is the city in which Immanuel (Matthew 1:23) will dwell in all His glory, (Zechariah 8:3) calling it Jehovah Shammah, The Lord is There. (Ezekiel 48:35). It is the nickname He uses when he calls His people. (Zechariah 3:2). It is a place that it figures solely as the most important land, city, and people in the history of the earth. All of history is dwindling down to one focal point: Jerusalem. So let’s take a look at this incredible place.

Blog: Music attribution

Track New York

Music by

Track London

Music by

Mar 23, 202415:03
549: Jerusalem! part 1: The Land. Israel's biodiversity, geography, & wildlife

549: Jerusalem! part 1: The Land. Israel's biodiversity, geography, & wildlife

Before the foundation of the world, God determined in His mind and His heart to select a people for Himself to have fellowship with, to produce the Messiah through them, and for them to spread the news of a Savior to the world. (Deuteronomy 7:6). And so began the creation of worlds, and His creation of people. (Genesis 1).

Read on to find out more about this amazing nation not much bigger than the US state of New Jersey!

Link to the blog essay

Further Reading

What does it mean that the Jews are God's chosen people?

Music attribution

Track New York

Music by

Track London

Music by

Mar 23, 202415:42
Of Pocket Notebooks and Jonathan Edwards
Mar 14, 202415:07
547: Be children in mischief, adults in righteousness
Mar 14, 202407:21
546: The 3rd Commandment, celebrities like Gerry Brooks, and me
Feb 17, 202421:18
545: A fantastic, amazing decision!
Feb 17, 202415:21
544: On DIvorce and remarriage
Feb 12, 202407:42
Episode 543: What does satan know about us?
Jan 25, 202410:48
Episode 542: "Please Show Me Your Glory!"
Jan 25, 202407:22
American Family Radio drops Begg's program over same-sex advice
Jan 24, 202408:23
Episode 540: Attending a transgender/gay wedding? Alistair Begg's reply and the outcry
Jan 19, 202416:05
Episode 539: Discernment: Women on the 'Speaking circuit'- example, Jackie Hill Perry
Jan 17, 202414:44
Episode 538: Jackie Hill Perry partnering at Bethel with Bill Johnson (this is BAD)
Jan 15, 202412:41
Episode 537: He formed us
Jan 15, 202404:47
Episode 536: Enduring sound doctrine in the days of tickled ears
Jan 15, 202409:41
Episode 535: The Language of God: Thunder
Jan 15, 202406:42
Episode 534: The Language of God: Drought
Jan 15, 202412:58
Episode 533: Language of God: Hail

Episode 533: Language of God: Hail

Yesterday I started a short series on the Language of God in Natural Disasters. I explored the questions of where is God when a tsunami happens? Does God send the hurricane, or is it merely the result of the proper meteorological elements coming together?

Today I want to start looking at some specific disasters that happened in the Bible, and today we'll start with hail.

Music attribution

Track New York

Music by

Track London

Music by

Jan 09, 202411:54
Episode 532: The Language of God in Natural Disasters
Jan 09, 202415:39
Episode 531: Wynter Wakeneth Al My Care

Episode 531: Wynter Wakeneth Al My Care

A brief presentation of the 1300s Middle English poem and a summary of its meaning- reflections on death as in winter the death of summer, and in life the death that comes for us all. It's not as sad as the summary makes it sound :)

Jan 07, 202405:47
Episode 530: Are the reporters who focus on abuse in the church doing a service, or a disservice?
Jan 07, 202417:35